Chapter 88: News of the Engagement

“Lucas, you should have told us you were coming back!” his mother complained, though her mellow tone suggested she had missed him.

Her every little motion conveyed that she was royal, as if being graceful was naturally part of her being. There was a pleasant, musical sound to her voice.

Luke must have gotten his light brown hair from her. She had the most gorgeous locks arranged into a braided updo.

“Why did you come back early?” his father asked. He looked so much like Luke, but with a wider face and more stiff bearing. “I hope you haven’t given up on the solar project.”

“On the contrary,” Luke said jovially, “we finished early, so I thought I should surprise you.”

“That’s wonderful,” his mother exclaimed. “Who did you say this was?”

Hallie was almost glad to be forgotten, but the Queen Beatrice’s blue eyes came to rest on her, though it was hard to tell if she was possibly judging Hallie’s attire like the driver had done.