Chapter 89: My Maid Hates Me!

The queen’s words echoed in Hallie’s mind as she walked down the sumptuous hallways of the palace.

So what if she could never become queen of Sarkadia? It’s not like she had ever wanted to be. Nevertheless, she didn’t like people to assume that she could never achieve something when they didn’t even know her!

Her parents had certainly never talked to Luke that way. They had been nice and welcoming… She should have known not to expect southern hospitality here.

Luke should have warned her! Actually, had warned her, but he didn’t say they were going to be downright mean!

And why did he have to drop a bombshell on his parents like that? Any way she looked at it, this was Luke’s fault.

The maid walked a little ahead of her, not saying anything.

Finally, they entered a room that was bigger than Hallie’s whole apartment back in Austin. It was a suite with a large antique bathroom that overlooked a snow-covered garden.