Chapter 92: Other Candidates

There was something intimidating about the woman, despite her delicate face with its thin nose and elegant lips.

Hallie guessed she must be the lady Luke was meant to be engaged to, but she still held out a small hope that this was just some insane asylum patient who had mistakenly stumbled onto the party.

“Lady Raphaela,” Luke said, “May I introduce the charming Hallie Mathews.”

Raphaela looked even more belligerently at Hallie, then scoffed and walked away on her three-inch heels.

Hallie tried not to feel insulted, but it was hard. She had half-expected some attempts at verbal sparring or intricate threats. But being scoffed at? What kind of comeback could she make to that?

Her hands clenched into fists, and she nearly spilled her martini.

“Don’t worry, she has that effect on most people,” Luke said in his usual cool way.

“So that’s who you’re supposed to be engaged to?” Hallie said, “Now I get why you’re so messed up.”