Chapter 91: A Small Soiree

By the time Hallie finished doing her hair, the party was already underway, but she decided it was better to be fashionably late than rush the hairstyle. The royals would probably judge her for literally having a hair out of place.

As she entered the blue-carpeted room lit by crystal chandeliers, a few people gave her curious looks, probably not knowing who she was.

It wasn’t exactly the small party Hallie had expected since the hall thronged with at least fifty people. But it was better this way. She felt less conspicuous.

Hallie hoped she wasn’t becoming too needy for Luke’s attention, but somehow her ears zeroed in on his voice, separating it from the general hubbub of highfalutin conversation among the tinkling of ice cubes in crystal glasses.

She walked slowly to the other side of the large room, taking her time to examine the delicacies carried back and forth by uniformed waiters.