Chapter 94: Terry Struggles

It was just after Hallie got back from the trip that a miracle happened. She checked her email and was about to shut down her laptop for the night, when the chime of an incoming video call filled the antique room.

It was a call from her sister! This was something she had hardly ever witnessed in her entire life.

“Terry?” Hallie asked, as if the woman on the screen might have somehow hijacked Terry’s account and got plastic surgery to look exactly like her.

“Yeah, it’s me. Who else would it be, you dumbo?”

“Okay, it is you,” Hallie said, grinning. She felt strangely cheered to see a familiar face, even if it was Terry’s. “What’s up?”

“I’ll tell you what’s up,” Terry said irritably, “Quentin has the runs, and I can’t seem to stop it for anything.”