Chapter 95: Clean and Shiny

Hallie felt so cheered up by her sister’s call that she carried that good feeling into the next day.

She almost didn’t mind when Mirabel came over to clean the bathroom.

As usual, the maid barely muttered a greeting and went off to do her tasks. Hallie never felt quite at ease when she was there, and Mirabel seemed to take forever to finish the cleaning.

“All right, what is taking so long?” Hallie finally asked from the bathroom doorway. “Maybe I can help?”

Mirabel scoffed with extra vigor, looking up from rubbing the bathtub with a cloth. “As if you know how to do my job better than me.”

“I know I can clean a bathroom in less than an hour,” Hallie replied. “I’ve done it plenty of times at home.”

“This is not your home,” Mirabel said arrogantly.

“Yeah, I know, otherwise I’d have it clean in no time.”

“If you’re trying to get me to like you by helping me clean, it’s not going to work,” Mirabel declared.