Chapter 96: Overhearing Things

Although Hallie was hopeful that she had broken the ice with Mirabel, Peter the limo driver was as frosty as ever when she and Luke were picked up to be taken to their first work meeting.

As Hallie approached the limo parked at the back of the palace, the driver stood remarkably still, as if showing his complete refusal to open the door for her.

“Peter, not again,” Luke complained. “We’re going to have a talk about this later. For now, let’s just get to this meeting.”

Once they were in the limo, Hallie told him about her incident with Mirabel.

“You scrubbed your own bathtub!” Luke said, laughing. “That’s unheard of!”

“Not anymore,” Hallie said. “I hope she takes my advice next time or I’ll do it myself again.”

Suddenly she found Luke’s eyes lingering on her, like that time when she fell asleep in the car. It almost seemed like he was proud of her.

“See? I knew you’d be fine,” he said, “Just wait till my sister gets back from university. She’s going to love you.”