Chapter 98: Sledding and Plotting 2

“I’d like some dessert, if you don’t mind,” Luke said, raising one eyebrow as if slightly perplexed. “And some of us over here as well would like some…”

He gestured for her to join him in an empty corner of the room where they wouldn’t be disturbed.

“This is an interesting costume,” he said, “I guess you missed me so much you had to find a way to sneak up here? Very clever.”

“It’s not that.”

“Oh, I know. I saw you spying on Raphaela over there.”

Hallie decided it was best to let him believe that was her real purpose all along. She got so distracted by Raphaela’s plot that she wasn’t in the right mind frame to tell Luke all she wanted to tell him.

She winked in what she hoped was a cute manner. “I just wanted to say good luck. And may the best team win.”

“That sounded like a challenge,” Luke said, his mischievous playboy smile making him more attractive than ever.