Chapter 112: The Reunion

Hallie stood rooted to the spot as Luke came closer to her and gently placed the hat on her head. He looked like he had been working all day in the sun and wind, a healthy glow on his face.

Was he psychic or something? Did he come here because he somehow found out she was going to be here too? It didn’t matter. He was here.

Her arms wrapped around him, while he leaned down to kiss her.

Hallie felt like returning the kiss, so she did.

All her concerns fell away as she tasted his lips. It was like the last few months hadn’t happened and they picked up right where they had left off.

The kiss felt so right, even if it still held the dangerous taste of Luke’s bad boy charm, or maybe because of it. There was simply nothing like it.

“I thought you ran away,” Hallie said, her arms still resting on his back.

He was looking at her with an open gaze, just joyful, not hiding or plotting anything. “I didn’t run away. I came home.”