Chapter 111: Home on the Range

Hallie stared out of the plane window at the flat runway. They had just landed in Texas, and the plane stood still, while passengers waited impatiently to disembark.

She wondered if she had done the right thing by coming home. After living in Sarkadia for so long, this felt like coming down to earth after living in a fairy tale.

She had to remind herself that the fairy tale king and queen did not exactly take kindly to her presence there.

“Having second thoughts?” Terry asked as if she could read her mind.

“Not really,” Hallie said. “It’ll be good to see the old folks.”

Bill came to pick them up, and Hallie smiled as she watched Terry run into his arms shouting “Honeybunny!”

At least someone’s relationship was doing great.

She was happy for them, although it brought into focus her own undefined status. She didn’t know if what she had with Luke was becoming real again, or if she was just fooling herself.