Chapter 110: An Old-Fashioned Tradition

“Still no news about the prince?” Terry asked.

A day later, they were conferring in Hallie’s room. Hallie had trouble sleeping the previous night and was feeling groggy and not quite sure about how she should address Luke’s sudden disappearance.

“No.” Hallie was chewing on her lip as she checked all the gossip sites again just in case he had run away to some tropical country with some model.

She didn’t want to be this worried about it. After all, if he really did want to marry her, he wouldn’t just suddenly disappear with another woman… or would he? It was Luke, after all.

“I wish my flight wasn’t today,” Terry said, “I would help you look for him.”

“Thanks, you don’t have to do that.” Hallie felt suddenly touched. At least she had a sister who was there for her, or would be there if she wasn’t flying back to Texas today.

“What are you going to do?” Terry asked.