Chapter 114: Part of the Family

Hallie felt a little sheepish about how they were going to deliver this news to her family after the whole fake relationship scandal that had come before.

Luke seemed perfectly calm, but of course it wasn’t his own family he had to deal with at the moment.

When the ambling horses brought them back to the ranch house, Hallie saw yet another vehicle in the driveway: Gigi’s vintage blue Ford.

With Gigi here, everything would be better! Now Hallie was actually eager to tell everyone the news.

She was a little breathless by the time she entered the main house, with Luke by her side.


“Hallie, my darlin’!” Gigi exclaimed, “It feels like I haven’t seen you in ten years!”

Her grandma met her at the door for a long hug.

“I missed you so much, Gigi!” Hallie said, wondering how she could ever break the news to her about the engagement.

“So, we’re on the edge of our seats here,” Vivian said. “Do you have any important news for us?”