Chapter 115: Only the Cousin

Exiting the airport building in Sarkadia, Hallie and Luke arrived to warmer spring weather than when they had left. There was almost a hint of summer in the air.

However, they were faced with a cold reception once again as they approached the royal limo.

“I’m very sorry,” the driver said, “but I cannot take Miss Hallie to the palace.”

Luke’s mouth opened in shock. “Peter, again? I thought we’d been over this!”

“It’s not me, Your Highness. The king and queen have forbid me from providing any services to this young lady. I am sorry,” he added, looking at Hallie.

“It’s okay,” Hallie said, “This is not your fault.”

Her hope of keeping the fairy tale alive suddenly dwindled at this obvious rebuff by the king and queen.

“I suppose she’s not welcome at the palace?” Luke said, a glaring frown setting into his face.

“I’m very sorry,” Peter said. “All the staff have been cautioned not to serve her.”