Chapter 119: Everything I Knew Was Wrong

It seemed appropriate that rain poured heavily as Hallie left the hotel. It wasn’t even a lovely, fragrant spring shower but almost a torrential downpour.

Maybe the royals had seeded the clouds so she would have a crappy last day in Sarkadia. It didn’t matter anyway since she and Luke were going directly to the airport.

Luke was already waiting in the taxi, and he beckoned for her to hurry. His usual good spirits had definitely returned, and he was smiling, probably in anticipation of their little holiday.

The taxi driver took her suitcase. Luke opened the door of the taxi, and Hallie was about to step inside when she was startled by a loud horn.

A few cars behind them, the royal limo pulled up to the hotel. Peter emerged from the vehicle, waving his arms frantically.

“Peter, what’s the matter?” Hallie asked as the driver approached.

“You must come with me at once to the palace,” he said.