Chapter 120: The Dance Party

Hallie couldn’t help wanting to show off her new ring, especially since her best friend was eager for news of the engagement.

After sending a message to reassure Jessica that she was not being deported from the country after all, Hallie agreed to do another video talk so they could discuss all the details.

“Check it out!” Hallie said as they chatted on their laptops that same evening.

She was back in the same suite in the royal palace, and one of the maids told her that there was a more grandiose suite being prepared for her because of her new status as princess-to-be.

The ring, which Queen Bea had finally given to Luke, and that he had placed on Hallie’s finger earlier that day, sparkled with a round, multi-faceted diamond in a halo of aquamarines.

“I’m so excited!” Jessica cried. “That’s a beautiful ring! Is it too soon to start planning the wedding?”

“I don’t know, probably. I’m only just getting to know his parents.”