Chapter 124: Payback!

“You’re right,” the queen said, “I wanted to enjoy this a little longer, but we can’t do this to Annamaria who has always been a good child and never played any cruel tricks on us.”

“What are you talking about?” Anna asked.

The king and queen nodded to each other.

“You go first,” said the king.

“We’re not really getting divorced,” the queen said. “It was just a prank we wanted to play on Lucas.”

Anna gasped in shock.

“I knew it!” Rickard exclaimed.

“I should have known it!” Luke said, wringing his hands and making fists.

Hallie just stood there, amazed that the thought of playing a prank on their son would ever occur to the majestic king and queen.

Suddenly the queen took a mobile phone from her pocket. “Would you like to see their faces, Vivian, Sam?”

“Would we ever!” Vivian’s voice came loud and clear from the device.