Chapter 125: Good and Bad News

Hallie’s new princess suite had a balcony and three large rooms: a bedroom, a sitting room, and a study. It was airy and spacious, just like she had imagined a princess suite to be.

It was also done in pastel tones, which was maybe a little too on the nose, but she decided she could always redecorate after the wedding.

She was having tea on the balcony, when she got a message from Mirabel:

Will bring your wedding dress tonight. Prepare to be amazed!

Hallie couldn’t wait to see it. She replied:

Thank you! You’re the best!!!

She wanted the dress to be revealed in the evening so that Jessica could see it too when they spoke over video chat. It would be about mid-morning in Texas.

Hallie almost felt guilty that she was about to get a luxurious dress and that her entire suite of rooms could have housed two or three families. This is why she was so glad that Nicky was ready to launch her charity and start helping the homeless.

It was due to open its doors that day.