Chapter 130: The Honeymoon Relocated

“No way, Terry. We’re not telling you where we are.”

Although it was her honeymoon, Hallie couldn’t resist taking Terry’s video call just to taunt her.

“Fine, I can guess anyway,” Terry pronounced with her usual sassiness. “That wall behind you looks like it’s covered with some old-fashioned wallpaper. The early 1970s, I reckon. You must be in some sh*t hole of a place.”

“That’s right,” Hallie said, “We mistakenly booked a real dump in the back woods of Louisiana.”

“No, seriously, where are you?”

“I’m not telling,” Hallie said in a singsong voice.

“That’s kind of mean,” Luke said. He was half-dressed and rummaging in his suitcase for a shirt.

“Did Luke say that was mean? He’s right!” Terry pronounced.

“After the stunt you and that newscaster pulled,” Hallie said, “you deserve to be taunted.”

“Okay, maybe we went a little too far,” Terry admitted. “I’m sorry. We’re very sorry. That’s why I’m calling.”