Chapter 129: A Little Ranch

Less than an hour later, Hallie entered the royal jet. The pilot and a woman who appeared to be a flight attendant greeted her.

“Hi, I’m Katrine,” said the woman, “Welcome, and congratulations on your wedding. Please let me know if I can bring you anything.”

As the flight attendant went into a different compartment, Hallie made an amazed face. “This is awesome! I didn’t know there was a flight attendant too.”

The interior of the plane had comfortable couches and tables, and of course, a fully stocked bar.

Once they were seated and had their drinks in hand, Hallie was finally ready to ask, “So, I know you wanted it to be a surprise, but now that we’re on the plane… where are we going on our honeymoon?”

Luke gave her a long thoughtful gaze. Maybe he was just stalling. “I know a nice little ranch down in Texas…”

“You’re not serious?”

“I like it there,” he replied steadily, “and I thought you missed your home.”

Hallie gaped at him. “You are serious.”