Chapter 128: Royal Wedding 2

Hallie and Luke returned to find huge tents set up in the royal gardens for the celebration. People could mingle in the coolness of the park and hang out on the lawn chairs or visit each tent for different foods, drinks, and activities.

The party was already underway as the newlywed couple entered.

“Great wedding!” Mirabel called, waving to them from the gazebo, where she was hanging out with some of her friends.

Many of the staff got a day off to enjoy the wedding, and Hallie was so glad Mirabel was having fun and not trying to monitor her for signs of being a bridezilla.

Near one of the gazebos, there was a “Texas BBQ” station set up by the king and queen to please Hallie’s family. Hallie had heard her parents talking about it for the last few days, describing in detail what a Texas barbecue is like.

Evidently, the king and queen took their ideas very seriously.

“I love it!” Hallie exclaimed. “Let’s see what else they got.”