Chapter 19

Nehcor and I needed to talk.

"Don't you guys have, like, a temple or a church around here?"

Hal, who was elbow deep in sanitizing one of the five rooms of the inn (four little with single beds and one a bunk, the fifth a 'suite'), didn't even stop to answer the question.

"Of course. I'm surprised you missed it. The temple is at the center of the city. The market you go to is half-way there."

"So, no churches? You don't have services every seven days or so?" Their weeks here were weird. I hadn't realized until a month in that I'd been counting my weeks by sevens while theirs were by eights. For that matter, their months were weird too. At least I didn't have to worry about multiple moons, though this world's moon was about three times bigger than my Earth's.

"There is a service once a month for the pious in the community centers, organized by whatever priest is set over the area. If I had known you were interested I would have pointed you there."