For the first time, my weekly (or biweekly, depending on how busy the inn was) visit the temple was headed by Gus. He woke me up in the morning and almost seemed eager to go, which was...weird. Usually it was like pulling teeth to get him to go to the temple, and he'd inevitably go only because 'I needed protection' or whatever. His oddly complacent mood carried on all the way to the temple doors, which he entered without scowling or looking tired once. He even bowed his head and folded his arms in prayer once we sat down in a pew without my nagging.
It was almost...disturbing.
Especially since I was the one trying not to fall asleep. Nehcor's answers to my prayers ranged from single sentences to an entire conversation that bordered on making me pass out whenever I came to the temple to pray. Today I knew we had a lot to talk about, but I didn't know how much I'd be able to receive before giving in to my exhaustion. Needless to say, I hadn't slept all that great the night before.