Chapter 67

At the temple, Nehcor was more than happy to explain to me how to fix Gus's problems, as well as to try and chat me up about how his wife was constantly tipping back and forth between shipping me with Roman and Derrick. Today was a Roman day, though, so Nehcor hinted that I should have a little more tea time with him, if I knew which he meant, which I insisted I didn't before shutting him down before he made me pass out again.

Gus was waiting for me when I returned home, already use to me coming home from the temple exhausted and kept his hand on my wrist the entire time we were walking back to my room. It warmed me, even as I nod off every third step.

Roman woke me up sometime around dinner when he came to visit my room. I had somehow managed to fall asleep on the rug instead of my bed, and Gus had stayed nearby with a book.

He let Roman in with open displeasure on his face.