Chapter 70

Sir Fairenson all but came running out when he saw me trying to flag down a carriage.

"My lady, why didn't you say anything? Please, let me help you with that."

"Uh, thank you. And it was just sort of a last minute decision. I've been needing some new clothes."

He stiffened. "Wait here. I'll arrange an escort and carriage. Please, the master would insist."

It was the said master who came out instead of Sir Fairenson when the carriage came around, armed with a sword at his hip and a somewhat breathless dimpled smile.

"Lillian! You wouldn't mind me accompanying you, would you? I have something I need to do in town as well."

I frown. "In the same part of town as me?" The shops in the square I was used to going to were nice, granted, but I knew for a fact they didn't dally to the elite.

"The shopping district is the shopping district, isn't it?"

I narrowed my eyes. "You better not buy me anything."

He actually looked hurt, and I almost apologized.