Chapter 97

When I just continued to stare into my soup, partly because I knew I wouldn't be able to lift the spoon anyways but mostly because I didn't want to be thinking and in my body at the moment, Gus took the spoon and lifted it to my mouth. Unlike with Roman, I didn't protest, I just opened up and let him feed me.

"Don't be embarrassed," he said.

"That's like telling me not to breathe."

"You've done the same thing for me. Now we've both seen each other at our worst. And I didn't try to look."

"Ha ha, so comforting."



A pause fell between us, in which he carefully spooned more soup into my mouth. He wasn't quite scowling, nor did he look in anyway happy. His eyes burned with some inner fury, all while his chin wrinkled slightly as though he were about to cry.

"You've done nothing to deserve this."

I closed my eyes tightly against the new wave of tears.