Chapter 101

It was still raining when I left, since Derrick inevitably had to go to work and he didn't like the idea of me hanging around where sparks flew everywhere. He promised to return that basket when he came for dinner that evening, so my hands were free to tuck themselves beneath the shawl I held over my head.

Since Derrick's place was against the wall, I had to follow a branching street to get to the main one which was fed by the open city gates. Red Swallow Inn sat on this street, which was good location for any business.

I was just turning towards the inn when movement caught my eye. A figure, dressed in rags and scraggily long hair dripping, huddled within the shelter of the gate. Thinking of the time I'd found Gus, mostly dead in an alley, I trotted over to see what I could do.

"Hello, are you okay? Do you need any help?"