Chapter 122

"Dear God, Nehcor, brother, whatever you want to be called by...I'd usually just go to the temple for this, but you were a crappy planner and had to kick out your only priest. Yeah, it was for his protection from the agency of others, blah know what? I just wanted to start this being a snarky smart-ass sister. I don't really feel that way. I...actually do miss talking to you."

I breathed back a sniff, even as my eyes watered.

"I miss you."

Outside the closed shutters I could hear the voices of the townspeople, a background of murmuring with the occasional shout, creak of wheel on stone, or a dog barking. Tankards clanked onto the shelf from behind the door, and I could hear Hal talking to someone up front, though not clear enough for the words. My bed had that neutral smell of sun dried cotton and straw, even though the mattress was filled with wool and feathers.

I sniffed, a bit harder this time.