"Lilly, time to rinse your hair."
I sighed, wondering why he even bothered with the crappy strands left, but leaned back. I tried to stay in my daydream, but his fingers catching against more and more as he rinsed away the shampoo distracted me. Eventually, I had to feel up to my head to see what kept tugging on my skull.
My hands found hair, long, thick, smooth swirls of hair reaching farther than I could reach.
I shoot up in surprise to find my hair had grown to a great, gorgeous mane. And as that mane swirled towards my body I found myself much less than I had before. Unable to believe it, I stumbled towards the steps out of the bath just to make sure what I was seeing wasn't an illusion in the water.
But no, as more and more of me arose from the water, beautiful curves, a narrow waist, smooth glowing skin, and strong, supple legs rose with it. My arms had been sculpted back down to actual arms and I even had breasts instead of endless hills of fat.