Gus didn't handle me walking into the men's bath very well. I didn't blame him.
"I didn't go to look, I swear," I said wearily to his back.
He said nothing, too busy glaring at the dragon skin armor he was repairing. Didn't think he could sew, but apparently, given a big enough needle and dragon leather, he could.
Moonfall watched us from besides one of the few trees left around the palace. Poseidon had found a spot between her forelegs, having been adopted by the overly motherly dragon, and Kel had adopted him and was dozing within his coils.
I wanted to pull at my eyelids again. "Derrick was letting himself rot again - "
"He's a grown man," said Gus, the first words he'd spoken since stating that he knew I'd gone to the bath. "He can take care of himself."
"Obviously not."
"Then it's not your responsibility. If you think you're helping, you're not, he's never going to get over you if you don't leave him the hell alone, or is that what you want?"