Chapter Six: Mazakin

Chills went up Jonah’s spine partly from the brisk air and partly from the scenery in front of him. Nick had insisted they needed more space and set up his frightening stage in the woods behind the campus.

Jonah stood with his arms across his chest just watching Nick lay things out in perfect detail. Sporadically, Nickwould blurt out real ‘truths’ about Satan and what it was all about but Jonah was only half listening. He kept looking around waiting for someone like campus police to come up and stop them, but no one came.

“Alright, are you ready?” The wild look was back in Nick’s eyes as Jonah slowly removed his shirt and sat down next to Nick. His skin was already starting to prickle in the cold. Nick ignored that as he carefully painted symbols on Jonah’s chest that matched his. Jonah sat as still as he could and tried not to focus on all the terrible things that could go wrong with this current situation.

When Nick was finished drawing, he sat back and studied his work before turning and lighting all the candles. It was actually really pretty to see the dark forest illuminated by the littering of small flames. Jonah tried to focus on that and keep his attention narrowed on the flames as Nick started to chant again. Jonah listened carefully and realized Nick was speaking Latin. Impressive. Jonah did his best to ignore the pain in his knees from sitting in this awkward position and focused on Nick’s words. He was able to pull out some words from different lessons he had learned in church like “messenger” “help” and “devil”. Jonah gulped down his last bit of anxiety and just watched his friend. ‘None of this is really real so there’s no need to be afraid’. Jonah thought to himself. But before he could even try to believe his own thought, the flames from the candles shot up higher in the sky and there was a loud screeching noise coming from the center of the altar. Both boys covered their ears.

“I am Mazakin of the seventh ranking of hell. Who summons me?” demanded a beautiful, but horrifying voice in the center of the altar. Jonah turned to see a supermodel looking woman with red skin standing before them. Her hair was only a slight shade of crimson darker than her skin and it blew in the wind like it had a mind of its own. Her piercing eyes were a solid highlighter yellow and it was difficult to tell where she was looking though Jonah had a strong sense she was looking directly at him. She was wearing a sort of a blackened version of Princess Leia’s bikini and holding a long sword that looked sharp enough to cut both boys in half with one swipe.

“Who summons me and for what purpose?” the demon barked again. Jonah remained frozen, stunned at this surreal reality. Lost in her mesmerizing and horrifying beauty.

“I am Nick Blood, a devout follower of Satan. This is Jonah Burke, my companion.”

The demon put her hands on her hips and seemed to be studying both of the boys before her. Jonah noticed despite being a powerful demon she was actually kind of short. He was only 5’8” but if he was standing he'd have a full foot on her.

“Yes, we are aware of you, Nick Blood and your devotions. What is it we can do for you and your … companion?”

“Um, well, mostly I just wanted to show my friend the true power of hell.” Nick started sounding embarrassed and sheepish. Jonah turned to look at his friend. This was the first time Jonah had seen him not boastful with confidence. “But I mean midterms are coming up, being able to pass with ease would be nice.”

Mazakin huffed and stared hard at Nick. Without a response, she turned her attention back to Jonah.

“Well, nonbeliever, your companion has gone through dramatic lengths to bring you into the fold. Is it worth it?”

“Wh-what do you mean was it worth it? Worth what?” Jonah’s throat felt dry and scratchy. Mazakin turned back to Nick who kept his eyes on the ground and then looked back to Jonah.

“You have participated in summoning a demon. By doing so you have chosen to commit your soul to hell. From now on I will help you through any struggles of this life but upon death you belong to our master Lucifer.”

Jonah turned his glance to Nick in disbelief. Nick kept his eyes on the ground still. Jonah did his best to swallow hard against the panic and dryness filling his throat.

“It’ll be you, though? When we have issues and struggle? You’ll be the one we talk to? Like our ambassador to hell?” Jonah questioned, feeling his voice getting a little bit stronger. It was almost as if seeing the demon in front of him triggered something - some part of him that had been locked away his whole life. It moved like a force within him. Nick started to speak as if to object but Mazakin lifted her hand and silenced him. The demon raised a curious eyebrow at Jonah but nodded.

“Then I’m in.”