Chapter Seven: Hell Worshipers

Nick raised his head with surprise at Jonah’s confirmation but then stepped back in to lead the communication more confidently with Mazakin. The two of them discussed the details of her help and what the boys should be expecting. Jonah sat silently and listened, gathering as much information as he could about this new affiliation he had just committed to. Part of him knew he should be scared, worried or anxious about this new situation. It was hell after all but as he stared at Mazakin none of that seemed to matter and he felt a sense of calm within himself that he didn’t recognize.

Mazakin left just as dramatically and abruptly as she had arrived. Without a word, Nick started to clean up the mess they had made in creating a decent altar. Jonah watched him, trying to allow himself to process how things had ended up this way. He was actually grateful for Nick’s silence allowing him time to really think.

The boys walked quietly back to their dorm, sneaking past the night guards of the dorm and anyone else who might ask questions. Nick carefully placed all the materials in his hands safely back in the trunk under his bed. Jonah took off his shoes and socks before sitting on the edge of his bed and staring at Nick.

“Look, I realized I might have over committed and misled you….” Nick started still with his knees and eyes on the ground. Jonah scoffed.

“I just committed my entire life - no, my entire eternity to Satan, so I’m going to say that’s a slight understatement, Nick.” Nick looked up at Jonah curiously.

“You said ‘yes’. I could have talked you out of that commitment, but you said yes on your own. Why did you do that?” Nick slowly moved himself on his bed and the two boys sat opposite each other.

“Something about her… Something within me…” Jonah shook his head, trying to process his thoughts enough to translate them into words. “It just felt like the direction I was being called to go. I don’t know how to really explain it.”

The wildness was back in Nick’s eyes.

“You felt the calling,” Nick said as if to fully explain all that Jonah was feeling. Jonah nodded and then stared hard at Nick again.

“Look, we are still friends, still roommates, and we are going to continue with this but you lied to me and tricked me. I’m still p*ssed.”

The smile didn’t fade from Nick’s face but he did seem truly apologetic as he replied with:

“Fair enough. Just tell me how to make it right and I swear I’ll do my best to comply.”

“First things first: full transparency from now on, got it?” Jonah demanded. Nick nodded.

“Good, now leave me alone. I need to sleep.”

She knew she should be back in hell, answering other calls. Her mission here was complete and she had further work to do. But she let all that slip to the back of her mind as she stared through the third floor window into their dorm.

He was just a human. A child at that. Just a young boy who until seeing her didn’t even truly believe in any realm besides this one. Yet, something about him kept her captivated. She stared at him as he slept: tossing and turning in the small bed built for one. Momentarily, she imagined joining him in that bed. ‘What is wrong with me?’ she thought to herself. Mazakin peeled herself away from the window and prepared to slink back into the depths of hell.

“Sleep well, Jonah. I’ll see you soon.”