"Are you kidding? That is terrifying, girl!" Hannah screeched and pulled her legs up to her chest. We had been sitting in the quad talking for half an hour about everything that went down at Chase's house. I needed to vent badly given everything that happened. Truthfully, I wished Chase could see my point.
"I just don't feel safe not going to the police. Chase says we can't trust them, but there has to be someone who can help him," I said, tapping my foot. I was terribly stressed out and completely out of my depth.
"I barely knew Thomas when he went here. He didn't seem like a crazed lunatic out for some bucks, but I guess people change," Hannah said, staring off. I shook my head. I never actually knew him well enough to consider what he was or not capable of.
I ran my finger around the rim of my soda can and started to tap the side. My patience with the drugs was wearing thin. I always knew it was a bad idea, and now it was coming back to bite us in the butt.