All x Together

While Kichi was happy that he made friends with both twins. Something about their arrangement leaves them in a precarious position. One that he's pretty certain on how to fix.

"Hey, I never got the chance to ask this." Right as the lunch period started, which was when he'd be able to do what he wanted with the twins. There was one other important thing for him to check up on. "How did things go with Aoi?" This matter would be his friend Chuuya. He seemed excited to be able to spend time with that girl. So much so that he need his help just to have some one-on-one time.

"Terrible." Sadly all that work was for naught. "She's so mean. I tried to invite her for some snacks after school and all she did was call me names."

"Aoi did say that you kept pestering her." Airi responded after overhearing their conversation. "Even though she thought you were another pervert since you're friends with Kichi."

"Do you two tell each other about stuff that happens when you're not together?" Kichi asked.

"We tell each other everything." Her answer made him consider all the things he had said and done with both these girls. Wronging one of them could easily turn into wronging them both and having the wraith of two people after him. At the same time, it was also likely that Aoi had also bad mouthed him to Airi multiple times by now. So far that hasn't had the latter going against him.

"I'll keep that in mind." Disappointed, Chuuya laid himself face down onto his desk. "Guess Kichi's just luckier than me."

"I guess you should find yourself a lucky coin too." He chuckled as he pulled out his precious item and flipped it around. "And Airi, there's someone I want both you and Aoi to meet."

"There is? Ooh, I love meeting new people." Airi shook her arms from the thought of it. "I know Aoi doesn't, but I'm sure she'll come along. Who is it?"

"I'll tell you when I introduce you during lunch." He answered. "Chuuya, you probably want to come with us, right?"

"Nah, I'm good." The other boy responded without moving his head. "I'll just wallow in my sorrow while you're gone."

"Okay." Kichi was unsympathetic as he got out of his seat. The pair left to grab Aoi before leaving the classroom. When he believed himself out of their sights, Chuuya finally moved his head to look at them.

"Heheh." He chuckled. "I bet your lucky coin can't save you on that route you're taking." At this point, Chuuya knew it was clear he had no chance with those girls. They seemed more compatible with his best friend. The problem was there were two of them, and only one of him. The math wasn't adding up to be favorable for that young boy.

It took a bit of convincing to get Aoi to leave her seat, but soon enough they were on their way to the destination planned out by Kichi. They took some stairs up then got to one of the classrooms on that floor.

"What's this all about?" Aoi asked. "Who are we meeting?" She didn't like being in the dark on what to anticipate. For all she knew, this would be another stupid idea coming from this guy she had known for a week.

"I figured that since you two only really know me and Chuuya. That you'd want to get to know some girls at this school too." Since they were girls, he figured they'd be more comfortable with those of the same gender. At least for Aoi's case since she seemed to call every boy she knew a pervert. Surely there's no way she'd act that way towards a girl.

"Wow, you know someone who's older than us?" Airi spoke in an impressed manner over his apparent connections.

"It's nothing really special." He replied, knowing the truth of why this was the one person he knew older than him. Kichi opened up the door and directed them towards one of the desks occupied by a girl. A familiar sight at this point, as it was Kougi. "Hey look who's here?" The boy spoke up first.

"Didn't think you were coming up here." She replied. "And whoa! I guess you two must be Airi and Aoi." Knowing about his relationship with the twins. It didn't take much effort to discern that they were the twins standing before her. "It's nice to meet you two, I'm Kougi."

"Yeah, she's my older sister." He told them as the other three shook hands. "Like I said, it's really nothing special that I know her since we're related."

"You seem all right." Knowing their relationship, Aoi was hesitant to fully accept Kougi as a friend. After all this time, they still had yet to understand why she was unable to trust others. No one had done anything bad to her at this point, nor had they signaled any intention to do so.

"So you two girls are the ones trying to steal away my precious little brother." After introductions were out of the way, Kougi immediately went into the mode of embarrassing him.

"What are you talking about!?" His face grew up bright red. "We're all just friends here. And don't talk like you own me or something." She was so unfair, he thought. Of course she would want to humiliate him in front of some cute girls he just met.

"But I'm your older sister." She took his arm and gave it a little hug. "I'm going to worry over you no matter what." As she did this, he looked back to see the twins giving him a weird look. If this kept up, then his high school life would be ruined.

"I'll be fine." He yanked his arm from her grasp. "I'm not a little boy anymore. Obviously I can take care of my self." Kichi made sure to make that statement while looking straight at the twins.

"Don't you have that dumb coin making decisions for you?" Aoi was unimpressed with the display given her knowledge of the boy. "Anyway, I guess it was nice to meet you." From the way she positioned herself, it appeared the girl was ready to leave and return back to her classroom without much more interaction.

"Whoa, if Kichi wanted me to see you two, then we can't just end it here." Kougi was right. In his mind, he hoped that knowing each other would allow the twins to have a better path for branching out and networking with other girls. What he didn't anticipate was her suggestion. "How about the two of you come by our house? I know he already got to see your place. So it's totally fair, right?"

"Well…" Aoi was hesitant.

"We'll be there!" Airi, on the other hand, was pumped up and already raring to leave school to go there. And so that plan was enacted with little input from either Kichi or Aoi. Since lunch was coming to an end, the boy was left to stew in his disdain until the end of classes.

"How could you?" He complained as the boy walked home with his sister. "I know you like giving me a hard time, but this is too far."

"What's wrong with them coming over?" She replied with false ignorance. "They were bound to come by eventually, why not get it over with?"

"I would've liked if I was the one to invite them over." He took issue with her taking away his chance of having that opportunity. It was supposed to be a major step for him in attempting to gain the confidence to put himself out there. "Besides, what are we supposed to do with them anyway? You didn't even know them until today, so it's not like you have anything planned for us at home."

"Don't worry about that." She slapped him on the back in a manner way too rough to be considered innocent, but not hard enough to be malicious. Either way, it annoyed him when she got like this where she didn't care about his feelings. Why couldn't he have one of those older sisters that were doting, caring, and gentle. Instead he got stuck with one who could live to learn a few manners.

When they got home, he had nothing else to do but to sit on the couch and wait. The twins obviously were not expecting the invitation when they came to school. So according to Aoi, she preferred taking care of something things at their own house first before coming by to visit. Kichi prayed that nothing bad would happen during their time here, but knowing his sister that was not likely to occur.

"So what are you going to do right now?" He asked as they placed their bags down by the couch. "They should be getting her in about half an hour." She answered by taking off her school uniform's blouse and tossing it over his face.

"I'm going to take a shower." She said as she striped down. He turned his face away to not look at her after he pulled the article of clothing from his head. "We're going to have guests soon. So I need to make myself proper of course."

"Yeah, of course you do." He replied sarcastically while still averting his gaze. This was going to be a long afternoon, Kichi thought.