At x Home

There was nothing much for Kichi to do as he heard the quiet sounds of the shower running. So he put on the television for some white noise and checked his phone to see any recent updates on things that might interest him. The biggest pain of waiting for something was trying to figure out what to do to fill in the time. Thankfully, it was only 30 minutes.

He knew time was up once there was a knock on the door. Swiftly, the boy jumped up from the couch and went to go open it. He lamented that his sister took the opportunity to take a shower. It took away his chance of doing the same. While it's not like they had gotten out of some hard work. It was only school after all. Kichi did feel like he should look good enough for guests. Especially if they were going to be girls.

"Hello!" Without even waiting to be allowed him, Airi already rushed past him. She looked all over the living room, taking in the decorations which gave things life. The girl was impressed, but he would disagree with that assessment. All they had were mostly pictures of the family on the walls. Nothing he would call anything more than bland and fitting in with everyone else.

"Where's Kougi?" Aoi also didn't wait for him to say anything as she walked in. That girl also looked around her surroundings, but came to a wildly different conclusion. She was more interested in his sister as that was the person who invited them over in the first place. If not for that, then she wouldn't have considered dropping by in the first place.

"She's taking a shower right now." He answered, walking by them towards the shower room. "Hey, just to let you know. They're here." Kichi shouted, knocking on the door to to the shower room. When he returned to the living room, there the twins had already found seats on the couch to watch what he had left on TV.

They did have a good reason for going to their own home first. The pair had changed out of their school uniforms for something a bit more casual for this meeting. They had the same white top, but Airi wore a short skirt while aoi wore shorts. Judging that she was wearing shorts the time he came to her house. He could assume that her normal attire and this wasn't a response to not wishing another panties peek mishap with him again.

Then again, they didn't have to get changed to come by here. And she was the one between those twins to suggest they do that first. So maybe it really was because of him. How cruel, he thought. That moment was an accident. He had no intentions of seeing her white panties with a puppy dog face on it. Sure, the boy had the memory still etched into his mind, but that's only because it was the first time he had ever witnessed something so private.

"So how are you two?" He asked, sitting down at a chair near the couch. Kichi realized that was the lamest question he could've possible asked them. The only problem with this arrangement and part of why he was against inviting them over would be his lack of knowledge for either of them. At this point, they both were barely acquaintances with him. So this was more of the stage of getting to know one another.

"Fine." Aoi kept with the one worded answers. She was in the same boat as him when it came to thinking of topics to speak on. That being very little in terms of contributions from her end. Thankfully, there was Kougi exiting the shower to give them some respite from this awkward conversation. Too bad that it only served to make things worse.

"Sorry, it took a little longer than I expected." She said as she stepped out into the living room. The girl had just finished taking a shower, so her hair was still wet. More obvious about her appearance was that she also walked in wearing nothing but a towel to cover her private parts.

"Kougi!" Kichi yelled her name to scold her. "What are you doing? I told you the twins are here. Why aren't you dressed?"

"Bah." She waved off his concerns and sat down between the girls on the couch. "They're girls, so it's nothing they haven't seen before. And besides, you're my brother so it shouldn't matter either… Right?" Kougi then leaned in towards him, making sure to expose her cleavage barely hidden by the towel. Her smug smile towards him spelled out what ran through her mind.

"It's still hardly appropriate." He struggled to look at her with a straight face. The boy hated when she did this to him. It was like trying to tempt him into something they both knew to be wrong.

"Whatever." She replied by leaning back onto the couch. "Hope you girls don't mind."

"It's kind of cool how open you are." Airi was impressed by the gesture. Meanwhile, Aoi was quiet and looked away in embarrassment. She didn't feel the same way, but didn't want to speak out against her. That action made him feel a bit upset. If he were the one doing it, she wouldn't be holding back on calling him a pervert.

More importantly, he was livid about his sister's actions. Now he figured out her game plan here. She didn't invite those twins over just to hang out and make some new friends. She did all this for the sole purpose of humiliating him in front of some cute girls. He bet she was even trying to get them to never see him as a romantic interest. But what she didn't expect was him fighting back.

"Look at these cute baby pictures of when me and Kichi when we were little."

"Huh?" While he was too busy lost in thought. Kougi had already gotten to work by pulling out an old family album of them as children.

"See here us taking a bath together." She pointed to one of the photos.

"Wait, no stop!" He attempted to end this by leaping over to steal the book away from her. It was in vain as she lifted a leg up to put space between the pair.

"Look at his tiny little butt here." She continued on, not caring and laughing. Airi had fun with this too as she seemed to join in on what she perceived to be the fun of the situation. Aoi didn't though. She was very quiet as they looked across the photos of the siblings growing up. "Wow, here's one with us swimming in a pool."

"Huh, it looks like Kichi's drowning in that one." Airi noted one where it appeared the boy was struggling to keep his head above water.

"Yeah, he wasn't a very strong swimmer back in the day." She responded. "Oh look, here's another one." Kougi pointed out yet another embarrassing photo of them just a couple years back. It was of bad timing where their father caught a pic right after the boy's swimming trunks fell done, revealing his buttocks to the world again.

"My life is over…" He lamented as he failed to keep her from going through the photo album.

"…" Suddenly, Aoi stood up from her seat. It was so quick that it grabbed everyone's attention.

"Is something wrong?" Airi asked.

"I just need to use the toilet." That was her answer to them as she walked away and locked herself away in the privacy of their bathroom.

"See, you're making our guests uncomfortable." Finally, Kichi was able to swipe the book away from her. He didn't buy her story about simply wanting the toilet. "Can you check on her to make sure she's okay?" He asked Airi.

"I think she really is using the toilet." She responded. When he asked how she couldn't possibly know that, she answered in the only manner someone like her would. "Because when she has to pee, then I do too…" He couldn't believe what he was hearing, but she likely wasn't lying to him either.

"And you better get dressed." The boy then turned his attention to his sister who still lacked clothes. "Get up and go now."

"Fine." She did as he asked, getting up with little care about her actions. He knew he would have to get back at her somehow for this. If only he had the same mind of trouble making as her. "But before I do, I got one question for this girl right here." She wrapped an arm around Airi. "How about you two spend the night?"

"Please don't-" It was unfair to Aoi that she wasn't a part of this conversation. He knew his sister would again be up to no good with this suggestion. However the worst part of this would be…

"Of course! That sounds like so much fun."Airi was not the type to critically think about these details. She accepted the offer with no questions asked and without any further consultation.