Chapter 287


"Maid." — Meeting Paige as she went back to the quarters to return the aid goods servants kept, Zeleskiaz made it in time before she disappeared into the hidden corridors behind the magnificent stairs in the Main Hall. — "Give me a piece of bandages before you leave."

"!? Yes, Your Highness… Umh... If it is not impolite of me to ask... Have thou gained an injury…?" — Closing the distance in flustered hast, the maid hesitatingly inquired.

"... No. I am fine."

His cold response as he took the bandages, made Paige feel nervous. However, in his indifference, he continued the conversation... only to demand information on her ladyship.

"How is the lady."

"!... My Lady requested to be left alone, however, I am sure–"

"Don't bother her… I will take my leave now. Follow her request… Paige (?)"