Chapter 288 — Her days and nights.

The stroke of his thumb, caressing her cheek under the silky curtain her long and beautiful hair was… Simply kept feeling the soft skin as he watched her yearnful. As her lids closed gracefully, slowly calming down, yet maintaining the meet of their gazes with every lift of their long lashes.

Many times… A wish to speak… A wish to move… Yet the man hesitated gratefully to give in to the lovesome impulses… However, not strong enough.

Taking a gasp as his other hand selfishly placed itself on her back, Zeleskiaz softly told the woman. Nervously. For his heart was racing. Conscious of the fantasy love entailed.

"... I… May I–… our farewell…"

'..... our… farewell…'

It was maddening for the two.

As much as they felt levitating in each other's closeness… Grief came over them as his words conveyed the end of each other's company.