Because I Have You

Nolan knocked on the chief of police's door. The man had a bored look on his face the minute he saw him. Lars Taylor was tired of the officers from the Sheriff's department. Yesterday, Jefferson practically raided his office with his deputy, now they were back. Just Foster alone, but he was annoyed to his core.

"What do you want?" The man asked, dropping his pen and looking away from the document on his table.

"I'm here on an extended visit for Naomi Meruda. It'd take an hour or two."

Lars sighed and pinched his forehead briefly. "Are you Mrs. Meruda's husband?"

"It's a visit strictly on legal matters. We're discussing getting her a new lawyer."

"The public defender's office is perfectly capable."

Nolan didn't disagree with the chief of police, but he wanted him to think that. The deputy Sheriff walked into the room and took a seat across from the chief. He said, "I'd like to hear from the horse's mouth what she'll like her next step to be."