
Rule returned to the condo that evening. Once again, his family was preparing for war. They assembled weapons and protective gear. The most striking thing was that the mage was in his home. He was speaking to his father in a corner of the living room. As far as Rule knew, the mage had cast a locator spell and they had fished out Isla Foster from where she was on the face of the earth.

They were lucky. The last time Lisa and Damien ambushed the Foster kids they had gotten Isla's blood on a few weapons. The mage had used the dry residue of blood to cast the spell and they had found her. It's the first hunt the Cahill kids will have with their mother. Rule was eager to see how she would lift her own end. She had started to impress already. Mallory brought up the idea of summoning the mage.

It was far better than cornering the mayor of the city and questioning him without proof.