
Marcus slapped his palm against the steering wheel. They raced to the pine woods to begin the second phase of the night. Phase one had gone down the drain and he was furious.

"How was I supposed to know that he'd come there and call the cops?"

"I said it from the beginning. No bloodshed, not yet! But you couldn't get that through your thick skull, could you?"

"Please, Marcus. You're delusional to think no one will get harmed. It was Isla's baby today and tomorrow it could be any one of us."

Rule felt his heart beat in an irregular pattern. He didn't feel all that well after that light dart had hit him, but he couldn't say a word and accept that he was weak. Their mother had surprised them all today. She hadn't even flinched as that dagger pierced through the life growing inside Isla Foster. They had done this countless of times, but today it felt different. Mallory Cahill was not one to hesistate with her target.