Seeds of Hate


"Nolan!" She cried, snifling. "I ca-can't feel her heartbeat. Nolan, she's not in me anymore."

Nolan crouched beside his sister and pulled her head to his chest. He hugged her and kissed her forehead. Telling her that it was going to be fine, even when it wouldn't.

"Who did this?"

The hunter's spear was at her side. Everyone knew Darkbond's choice of weapon was the spear. Isla had dragged it out from her back before he got here. Things were messy. She was pregnant and had just lost her baby. She needed help.

"The head hunter's wife. Killerbond took my baby from me."

"Shh." He hushed her. Nolan could see she was weak. "I'll get revenge on your behalf. Trust me, dearest."