Honourable Sacrifice

She sank to the floor on the bathroom threshold. Lisa had her hands covering her mouth and tears rolling down her eyes. Her head shook. She couldn't believe it was possible. Lisa shook her so many times. Damien turned to her.

"I guess this is it."

She knew herself to be strong. She was a strong woman who didn't let a lot of things get to her, but Damien wasn't someone in her life she could lose, not because of all of this. Lisa rose to her feet slowly. She tried wiping the tears away but the dam on her emotions had broken free. Sorrow over took her.

"Please, Damien. Don't say that." She pressed her lips together, fighting the sob and sucking in a huge breath. "We'll summon the mage. There has to be something we can do in those journals."

"You heard what dad said." Damien's voice was jaded. His eyes appeared more soulless than they normally were. "It's final. I must not dishonour our lineage. I have to do what's right."