The Angel of Death

Naomi opened her eyes and saw the lantern chandelier and the room she had just recently acquainted herself with. Something was wrong. She had just been with Innis and the officers at the precinct. She couldn't tell how she had managed to get here. 

"Did I surprise you?" 

She heard the voice and darted her eyes to the right side of the bed, where the bed table and lamp stood. Faxon sat on a stool he had dragged from a corner to watch her. 

"Faxon? What are you doing here?" 

She scrunched her face in thought. He wasn't supposed to be here. He didn't think any demon could enter Falkor's home unannounced. He was trespassing, and although her heart warmed at the sight of him, she couldn't have him here. 

Naomi jumped down from the bed immediately. She paced for a second, trying to think. "This is dangerous. If Lord Falkor finds you here, he'll rip your head off. Faxon, please."

"Relax, Deya."