Step into a study room

Chapter 23 - Entering the study room

Zhuo Qingfan was not an idiot, of course he could tell that Chu Yi Chen was trying to kick him out, but it seemed like Little Four didn't understand, as he was worried that he would anger this Ghost Face King, and thus his following days in Little Four were not easy, so he quickly pulled Zhuo Qingyan along.

"Your Highness, if you don't mind, I will take my leave!"

"Second brother …" Zhuo Qingyan turned around and grabbed him, her eyes filled with reluctance.

"Good boy Little Four … "Second brother will visit you again when he's free …" Zhuo Qingfan was also reluctant to part with her, so he lightly patted her face.

"Mm …" Little Four and the other brothers, come here … " Zhuo Qingyan responded with a soft voice. She held his hand tightly as they walked towards the front hall.

Chu Yi Chen held his hands behind his back and walked in front, but the image of her disappointed appearance from before kept flashing through his mind, causing him to feel extremely agitated.

Ye Jingxuan who was leaning on the door raised his mouth, shook his head, flung his sleeves, and left with his hands behind his back.

When she saw the people from the Zhuo Clan off, Zhuo Qingyan was a little disappointed when she returned to the bedchamber. She saw that everyone in the courtyard was busy as she called Mo Yu over: "What are you doing?"

"I'm looking for something. Ruoyun saw that Third Miss and Zhu Xin had placed something in the hall, but she couldn't see it clearly. They're looking for something …" Mo Yu pouted in anger.

"What?" Put something in? " Zhuo Qingyan was truly speechless. How could these people be so free after spending so much effort?

Chu Yi Chen stood behind her, seeing her helpless look, he couldn't help but shake his head, and directly pulled her hand, pulling her out.

"What are you doing?" Zhuo Qingyan did not understand.

"Let them clean up the hall first. You can't stand outside and wait for them before cleaning everything up, right? It's so cold, go to the study room and stay there …" Chu Yi Chen walked in front with big steps.

As Zhuo Qingyan was dragged along, she could only run along with her.

"No need. You should stay in the guest room for a while. Aren't you very busy?"

He suddenly stopped, but she did not expect him to suddenly stop. He directly crashed into her, his nose colliding with her firm back. It was truly a sore feeling …

"Ugh …"

"You really hate being together with This King, don't you? Look at how happy you are with that Zhuo Qingfan … Why is it like this the moment I get to This King? Is This King that annoying to you? " Chu Yi Chen coldly asked.

Zhuo Qingyan raised her teary head to look at him. What did this old brat eat wrong medicine? Why is he in such a bad mood? What did she say?

When he saw her like this, his heart tightened again. He couldn't help but reach out to touch her red nose, but his hand only reached halfway before he let it go.

"I'm just afraid of disturbing your office … "I have no other intentions …" Zhuo Qingyan whispered.

"Alright, the sky is cold, let's go!" Chu Yi Chen grabbed her hand again and headed towards the study.

As she entered the study, a gush of hot air gushed out. She really shuddered and took off her cotton cloak. Looking at the spectacular scene, she was so shocked that her eyes continuously moved and her mouth slightly opened …

After hanging up her black fur coat, she took it from her hands and hung it up. When she turned around and saw that she was still in a daze, looking at the scene in surprise, Chu Yi Chen's mood immediately became a lot better.

He reached out to push her away. "Go to the stove and roast them. Warm up …"

"It's not cold. Can I take a look at the bookshelves?" Zhuo Qingyan asked as she pointed to the ten rows of bookshelves.

"En!" Chu Yi Chen replied softly.

She only said "thank you" before running in. She took off her shoes before the wooden collapse and carefully looked at the books on the bookshelf with her head upturned.

Chu Yi Chen slightly smiled, and said to the subordinate standing at the side: "Go get some hot milk."

"Yes sir!" Your subordinate will immediately leave.

Chu Yi Chen, who was sitting in front of the desk and reading the official documents, would occasionally turn his head to look at Zhuo Qing Yan, who was sitting quietly behind the bookshelf. The corners of her mouth would unconsciously raise as she read her book; it seemed that she was right to bring her here.

When Jiang Siyue and Yan Li came in and saw him, they did not hold back and sat down.

Yan Li said: "I heard that Zhuo Baiyuan has come today …"

Chu Yi Chen immediately put his finger to his lips, the two of them simultaneously stared blankly, both becoming alert. When they looked at him again, he had made a "4" sign, and then pointed behind them.

The two of them followed the direction of the voice and saw that the person behind the window was reading a book with rapt attention.

Jiang Zhen asked, his lips moving soundlessly. "Is it an imperial concubine?"

Chu Yi Chen slightly nodded his head.

The two of them couldn't help but look at each other and smile. When they saw a big porcelain bottle on top of the small stove that emitted the smell of milk, they smiled meaningfully.

At this moment, Zhuo Qingyan ran out with a large piece of paper in her hand. "My prince, did you draw this …"

When she ran out, she saw Jiang Siyue and Yan Li smiling at her.

She was stunned for a moment and stopped walking. She then said stiffly, "Greetings, Mister Jiang and Mister Yan."

"Good morning, Little Princess!" The two of them bowed to her at the same time, but their smile didn't lessen in the slightest.

She blinked, not understanding why the two of them were looking at her with such smiles. Was there something wrong with her? As soon as he thought about it, he lowered his head to look at himself. There was nothing wrong with it. After thinking about it again, he reached out his hand to touch his face. He looked at Chu Yi Chen who was also looking at him and asked, "Is it dirty?"

Chu Yi Chen smiled and shook his head: "They saw you here, so don't bother about them."

"Oh …" I just wanted to ask, did you draw this? " Zhuo Qingyan immediately raised the map in her hands. When she got excited, she even forgot about the rules of speech.

"Hm!" It was painted at the time when we were in the Qingbei Army Camp, but without using up, it was put down … " Chu Yi Chen slightly raised the corner of his mouth.

"Can I see it?" Zhuo Qingyan asked again.

"Sure!" Chu Yi Chen nodded.

"Thank you!" Zhuo Qingyan smiled happily.

This laughter truly caught the eyes of the three of them. This sort of laughter that came from the bottom of their hearts was truly beautiful.

"Oh, can I borrow a piece of paper and a pen?" Zhuo Qingyan asked again.

Chu Yi Chen immediately came back to his senses, and looked up at the desk. "Take it."

Zhuo Qingyan bit her lips and took a piece of paper and a pen before smiling at him, "Thank you, Your Highness. I won't disturb you …."

After saying that, he turned around and ran back. He then sat in front of the crater and started drawing on the small table.

The three of them stretched their heads out to stare for a long while before withdrawing it and smiling at each other.

This girl's occasional casual little movements were truly adorable. Especially those that came from the bottom of her heart, it really made people like her. "Wuu, wuu …."

The three of them talked about the current situation in the capital and the situation in other places. After drinking two cups of tea, they saw the little person behind them standing up with a piece of paper in his hand.

"Show it to This King." Chu Yi Chen said.

Zhuo Qingyan stared blankly for a moment, but she still walked over and put the paper on the table. Then, she clasped her hands behind her back and stood to the side, blinking at his expression.