Accept your fate

Chapter 24 - Acceptance

Chu Yi Chen looked at it for a while, then suddenly raised his head and looked at her, "You drew it?"

Zhuo Qingyan bit her lower lip and nodded, feeling nervous.

Hearing that, Yan Li and Jiang Siyue also stood up and looked at each other, then the two of them raised their heads and looked at her in shock.

Yan Li pointed to the paper: Little Princess, can you understand it?

"Is that so? You changed it? " Jiang Siyue also asked.

Zhuo Qingyan blinked again. At this moment, she seemed to feel that she had caused another disaster. She nervously took a step back, bit her lower lip, and resigned herself to her fate, nodding her head again.

"Come here!" Chu Yi Chen extended his hand towards her.

Zhuo Qingyan regretted. Why was she so excited when she saw the weapon blueprint? She had completely forgotten where she was. Wasn't this courting death?

However, she seemed to have no other choice. In terms of fighting, she couldn't beat any of the three people in front of her. If she wanted to run, none of them would be faster than her short legs.

Chu Yi Chen held her small hand and pulled her to sit on his chair. He thought that she would be forced to confess, but she heard him ask, "How did you come up with this change?"

"Huh?" Zhuo Qingyan raised her head and looked at him because he was wearing a mask. She could not see his expression, but she could feel his burning gaze.

When she looked at the two handsome men, Yan Li and Jiang Siyue, who were nodding at her and also looking forward to receiving their answers, she couldn't help but swallow her saliva.

"I did it according to the blueprints you drew. Although yours is good, there are some parts that cannot be used. Whether it be in terms of assembling or practical application, it is not suitable. This way, it can be simple, convenient and, at the same time, have some power …" Pick... "High."

When the three of them heard this, they laughed again.

"Tell This King again. If it's like the one you're drawing now, how effective would it be? How many people would need to be to execute it?" Chu Yi Chen asked again.

Zhuo Qingyan glanced at him again, "It's about the size of a horse carriage, if you push on the wheels, four people can operate it …"

"High …" Yan Li slammed the table.

This really scared her out of her wits. Her body immediately trembled. She was already worried, and now she was almost scared to death.

"Little Princess is indeed a genius. When we were in the Qingbei Army's camp back then, we had spent more than half a year thinking about it. We didn't expect that such a method would be used …" Jiang Siyue also laughed.

Chu Yi Chen didn't say anything, but stared at the drawing, his hand lightly tapping on it.

Zhuo Qingyan's heart was in her throat as she scolded herself over a hundred times in her heart. It's nothing to pretend that you know what's good for you, what's good for you? Just look at it yourself, why do you owe it so much?

At this time, Chu Yi Chen turned his head to look at the extremely nervous Zhuo Qing Yan: "Behind the bookshelf, there are still several sets of diagrams. Take a look and see if they can be improved on.

Zhuo Qingyan was dumbfounded again. What was he trying to do? Test? Validation? Test? Or was he trying to confirm what he was thinking? Was there a reason for him to kill her once it was confirmed?

"Prince …"

"What is it? "You don't dare?" Chu Yi Chen stared at her.

Zhuo Qingyan suddenly calmed down, stood up from the chair, took two steps back, and calmly looked at him: "There's nothing that I don't dare to do, but there's something that needs to be explained to you guys, change it or change it, you guys can decide. If you really want to punish me, I will take responsibility, and let Qiu mama and Mo Yu leave, they don't know anything!"

Yan Li and Jiang Siyue were startled, and immediately looked towards Chu Yi Chen.

However, he continued to stare at her as the corners of his mouth curled into a cold smile. "You're quite knowledgeable about yourself. No matter how mysterious your birth mother is, she still doesn't know how to forge a weapon. As for you, after a few glances, you were able to draw this diagram.

"I understand, I won't believe it no matter who I put it on, but I do understand it. It's just like those toys my mother made for me when I was young, they're all parts and just how I assemble them, the effects are different. That toy's second brother had also played with it before, so even if we put it together, the items we put together would still be different." Zhuo Qingyan looked at him indifferently.

However, his eyes were cold and distant.

Yan Li immediately tried to smooth things over. "Little Princess misunderstood us. We were only surprised, how could you do all this …"

"It's not that I misunderstood, it seems like the prince misunderstood. How could a fool know this!" After finishing her sentence, Zhuo Qingyan turned around and walked back to the bookshelf. After staying there for a long time, she was finally able to place a few blueprints at the top of the bookshelf.

Jiang Siyue lightly touched Chu Yi Chen's hand: "Isn't that a bit too much?"

"This King is just curious..." Chu Yi Chen said coldly.

He was angry, but he couldn't say what he was angry about. It wasn't because he was angry at her indifference, but because he was angry at himself for being suspicious.

Yan Li wanted to ease the awkward atmosphere, so he poured a cup of warm milk and brought it over to her, but before he even went over, she was already holding three blueprints in his hands and walking over.

"Your Highness, I've already seen these three. There's no way to change them, they're not practical at all."

"What do you mean?" Chu Yi Chen asked.

Maybe when you were fighting in the Qingbei Army Battalion before, you entered and exited the mountains a lot, so you could transport goods easily. You thought of this, but it was impossible to realize the techniques of the current generation, so your thoughts were good, but the technique restriction is simply impossible. After Zhuo Qingyan finished speaking, she took out the second diagram.

This, I've seen it before, it's a huge crossbow, the idea of firing 100 arrows is not bad, but in reality it's very difficult, even if you press the wheels under the car, without 10 or so people, it's impossible to move it, this is the first, second point, on the aspect of shooting and continuing arrows, it's very difficult to achieve without an automatic spring, the third point is too big, it's not conducive to quick combat, once you retreat, this kind of heavy weapon, you can only discard it, if you want to keep it, many people will die.

She pulled out a third one: "This map is only half drawn, but from the first half, Your Highness wants a weapon that can replace climbing walls and ladders, this kind of climbing wall weapon is indeed a little backward, but for such a high wall, if you do not use this method, you really cannot go up, those with high martial arts and light martial arts, it is easy to find, but in the army, it is very rare, if you make it, all the soldiers must be trained to use it, otherwise, even if you have it, you will not be able to climb the wall, even if you have it, it will be hung halfway, a bunch of shrimp on it is not as practical as climbing walls."

After she finished speaking, she calmly looked at Chu Yi Chen, waiting for him to cure her. She wanted to see if she would accept her fate once the day she, Zhuo Qing Yan, transmigrated to this world was over!