Can't convict

Chapter 25 - Impunity

Yan Li immediately came over and handed over the milk cup in his hand. "It has been hard on you Little Princess, come and drink a mouthful, fresh …"

Only now did Jiang Siyue regain her senses. He was already stunned by the little girl's words, and from the bottom of her heart, she felt admiration.

The corner of Chu Yi Chen's mouth raised slightly. Seeing that she was still hesitating on whether or not to accept the cup of milk, he said, "Drink it, I specially prepared it for you."

Zhuo Qingyan then nodded to Yan Li and said "Thank you", and took the milk and drank it.

"In the future, come here if you have nothing better to do. Let's see what new things you can come up with. However, this King doesn't really believe that you can come up with such a flexible ladder. Is This King that weak?" Chu Yi Chen raised his eyebrows behind his mask, his tone also becoming a lot more relaxed.

Zhuo Qingyan blinked at him through the cup, but she quickly understood the meaning of his words. What is he trying to do? He's not going to punish himself? Isn't it too temperamental? Why does it feel even harder than the previous commander of the demon regiment?

Seeing her open her eyes wide, mouth pressed against the rim of the cup, and not even drinking anymore, Chu Yi Chen couldn't help but smile: "I didn't say I would punish you for your crimes, what are you worried about?"

"But you didn't say anything about not punishing me?" Zhuo Qingyan choked back in annoyance.

However, as soon as she said those words, she immediately regretted it. She cursed herself in her heart: I can't endure it any longer.

"Are you worried every day that your life will be taken by me?" Chu Yi Chen looked at her in amusement.

Zhuo Qingyan decided not to say another word and just shook her head.

"Puff …" Yan Li and Jiang Siyue, who were standing by the side, laughed out at the same time.

It was truly no wonder. If a person did not understand Chu Yichen's personality, they would have been scared by his unpredictable nature. This girl's mentality could be considered strong; otherwise, he would have long since scared out of his wits.

"You said just now that soldiers can only be trained. If it was you, how would you train them?" Chu Yi Chen asked.

Zhuo Qingyan pouted and blinked at him, still not saying anything.

Because she was afraid that if she said anything more, she would make him angry.

"Speak, This King does not blame you!" Chu Yi Chen first gave her a peace of mind.

However, she still remained silent and continued to stare at him. Actually, she wasn't sure what this person wanted to do.

"This King will not punish you for your crimes, no matter what you say or what you said, I will not do it. Furthermore, I have special permission for you to come to the study at any time to read all the books here." Chu Yi Chen stated his terms and also promised.

"You said it, you're not allowed to go back on your words!" Zhuo Qingyan immediately spoke up.

"Haha …" Yan Li and Jiang Siyue could no longer hold back their laughter.

Since when did the Prince Ling show such kindness? To be able to say such soft words from his mouth must be an extremely difficult thing to do.

Seeing that the two of them were still laughing, she finished the milk in one gulp and raised her glass. "I want another glass."

"Alright, my Little Princess. Today, I am your little follower. As long as you can say these things, I will do whatever you want." Yan Li immediately brought the pot over and poured it for her.

Zhuo Qingyan glanced at him: "Mr. Yan, don't be too formal with your words, be careful that you won't be able to find an excuse when you cry in the future."

Yan Li stared blankly for a moment, then looked at Chu Yi Chen, and curled his lips: "How about we say that we're not in the same family, and that we don't enter the same door? Our mouths are the same."

Zhuo Qingyan ignored his words and blew the air out of her glass. After taking two sips, she turned around and sat on the floor, "Speaking of the training, it's easy to say it's hard to say it's easy, but hard to say it's hard to say. It depends mainly on who comes to train and what the training is about."

"Just tell me, if it was you, how would you train me?" Jiang Siyue was also interested as he sat on the floor and looked at her.

"First of all, it's about stamina. Although most soldiers do it every day, it's definitely not a systematic thing to do when it comes to training as a group. Physical ability is very important for a unit's fighting strength. The marching speed, the attacking ability, and the duration of a sustained battle all depend on physical ability." After Zhuo Qingyan finished speaking, she looked at Chu Yi Chen.

Seeing the other party nod his head slightly as well, he didn't blame him at all. Thus, he mustered up his courage.

"And then there is the individual combat ability, this doesn't depend on one's martial arts, if they have good martial arts, then they would have already gone to the martial arts world to do chivalry, and would not have become a big soldier in this army, so I am talking about the individual combat ability, I am talking about some of the military terminology, internal procedures, and the ability of the entire regiment."

Seeing the three of them nodding, she continued.

"And then there is teamwork. No matter how strong one person is, it can't compare to a magnificent army of thousands of men. As the saying goes, a good tiger can't handle a pack of wolves, that's the theory. No matter how strong a tiger is, it can't withstand a pack of wolves' attacks. Even if it doesn't bite to death, it will die from exhaustion …"

The three of them looked at each other and nodded in agreement.

"So, I have always liked the way the wolves fight. Unity, head wolf deployment, all the wolves will attack as planned, mainly with entangling, exhausting their strength. No matter how strong the enemy is, he will be eaten up and bitten tightly without letting go."

At this moment, she did not know that her current appearance was glowing. From her eyes to her face and even from head to toe, her entire body was emitting a confident, resolute and courageous light.

"If this king gives you a team of twenty, how long would you take it to train the wolfhound you speak of? In addition, can you make such a soft ladder? " Chu Yi Chen asked.

"Twenty people. If they're soldiers, then two months is about it." Zhuo Qingyan answered with certainty.

"What if it's a secret guard of the manor, like the night wind?" Chu Yi Chen asked again.

Zhuo Qingyan's eyes narrowed as she stretched out a finger and hooked it up. "Half a month!"

"Half a month?" Yan Li's eyes widened.

"If what you said was true, then I have already seen the power of Ye Feng. Half a month is enough." Zhuo Qingyan said confidently.

"What about this kind of ladder?" Jiang Siyue asked.

"This... Actually, you guys can do it too, so there's no need for me to do it. " Zhuo Qingyan smiled.

"Huh?" Jiang Siyue did not understand.

If you want to alter the foundation of the crossbow, that is fine. But, if you want to double shoot, that is, if you want to double slide, and if you want to double shoot, and if you want to use both arrows, naturally, this arrow needs to be replaced with a rope that has already been made. So, let me have three days. Zhuo Qingyan raised her eyebrows at the three of them.

"Good!" This King will be waiting to see. " Chu Yi Chen readily agreed.

Zhuo Qingyan made another request: "I need a craftsman who can build crossbows. I don't know how to do this kind of craftsmanship."

"No problem!" The three of them spoke up at the same time.

Zhuo Qingyan picked up the milk glass on the floor and gulped it down, her eyes shining with excitement.