Demonstration capability(1)

Chapter 28 - Demonstration of Competence (I)

After the steward brought the guards to deliver the items that she needed, she started to busy herself in the underground space that was located in the backyard of the prince's mansion.

The rope, which was as thick as an arm, was pulled by her to the point that it fluttered in the air. In a day's time, a huge net of about a hundred square meters was formed.

Of course, he also used what was originally on the training grounds.

Under her command, anything that could be moved, anything that couldn't be moved, a new one would be rebuilt. Stones, fake mountains, quincuncial piles … those that could be used were all pretty much the same.

A wooden wall that was two meters tall. At the same time, there were some craftsmen on the other side of the wall. It looked just like a wall.

It took her a full five days to finish all these, and during these five days, apart from these, she also drew a few other things, and the craftsmen were not idle either.

After finding some time to spare, Zhuo Qingyan tried some of these tools and improved on them. Like this, it took her 10 days to finish the training base.

Then there was the question of personnel.

When Chu Yi Chen brought twenty Dark Guards with him to stand in front of her, and stared at these sturdy men, Zhuo Qing Yan blinked her eyes, with no expression at all.

"Is he unsatisfied?" Chu Yi Chen stretched out his head to look at her.

She shook her head and said, "They all look alike from the outside. Their physiques are pretty good. I just wonder if they will be able to survive for the next half a month."

The moment these words came out, the Hidden Guards all had a straight face. Because with the presence of the King, it was not good for them to perform, but they did not agree with the words of the Little Princess.

One had to know that these twenty people could also be counted as the peak figures among the secret guards in the Prince's Mansion.

But hearing Little Princess say this, he felt that they were really lacking.

Of course, Chu Yi Chen also thought the same way, thinking that Zhuo Qing Yan's words were a bit too excessive, and that these people's skills were not low.

If this was in the martial arts world, they would all be considered experts.

Seeing that they were all displeased, Zhuo Qingyan pursed her lips and raised her head, "There are twenty feathers over there, you can place them anywhere you want. You must protect them well, and do not let me take them, and then use all the knowledge you have learned to stop my attacks.

The twenty of them looked at each other. Although they could not believe it, they could only turn around and hide the feathers that had been dyed red on their bodies.

Just then, Yan Li and Jiang Siyue came over. The two of them just wanted to see how the Little Princess was training, but there was no reason for it. So one of them was holding a pot of hot milk, the other was holding a small stove, and one was holding a plate of fruits.

Zhuo Qingyan turned around and pulled out a dagger from her robe. It was the dagger that Mo Yu had used to save her, and she had always kept it by her side.

However, Zhuo Qingyan was really helpless with her clothes. They were a little thin and long, so she couldn't use them at all.

After thinking for a while, she moved to take off her coat, but before she could unbutton it, her hand was grabbed. Chu Yi Chen whispered, "What are you doing?"

"Take off your clothes, or else, how do you want to fight?" Zhuo Qingyan answered confidently.

"You can't take it off here either. What are you going to wear?" Chu Yi Chen was convinced, this girl was willing to do anything.

"Isn't there a coat inside?" Zhuo Qingyan didn't think anything was wrong. She wasn't naked, so why was she so nervous?

Only then did Chu Yi Chen let go and pulled her to the side. Behind a wooden board, she took off her cotton robe and wore a green and white jacket and cotton pants as she walked out.

Just as the two of them stood still, she pulled him back and pointed at his hair. "Do me a favor. Help me tie up my hair so that it won't get tangled up again."

Chu Yi Chen stretched out her hand and tied her hair up with a ribbon. Although it was clumsy, it could still be considered neat and tidy.

When she was ready, she looked at the twenty men and saw that they were all standing there with their hands on the long sabers at their waists.

She couldn't help but slightly raise the corner of her mouth. "You can draw your saber. Don't worry, you won't be able to harm me."

They looked at each other again, none of them daring to do so. No matter what, it was still with the status of a wangfei. If they had ten guts, they wouldn't dare to raise a knife to hurt wangfei in front of the prince.

Yan Li and Jiang Siyue were also worried, they pulled at Chu Yi Chen at the same time, but he turned around and sat on the chair behind her: "Do as wangfei says."

"Yes sir!" The guard then heaved a sigh of relief and pulled out his long blade.

Actually, this was also the effect Zhuo Qingyan wanted.

"Are you ready?" Zhuo Qingyan looked at them indifferently, as if she was playing a game.

Seeing the twenty people nod their heads at the same time, she suddenly shouted: "The time starts now!"

At the same time, he rushed out.

The speed of her movement caused the twenty to be stunned. By the time they had regained their senses, she was already in front of them.

Not only the twenty of them, even Yan Li and Jiang Siyue had their mouths agape, their eyes filled with shock.

Chu Yi Chen knocked on the table with one hand and stared at her. Under the mask, he was not unsurprised.

This girl was truly a genius. Wasn't this movement technique from the sword technique Zhuo Qingfan had taught her the other day in the back hall? She hadn't seen her practice in the past few days, nor did she have the time to do so.

Zhuo Qingyan did not give them much time to get used to themselves, their bodies shuttling back and forth, the dagger in her hand constantly swinging to deflect the incoming sabers, completely unrestricted as they moved around them.

When she came out from the crowd and stood in front of Chu Yi Chen, he only counted twenty.

But she was already holding a handful of red feathers.

After placing them on the table, he reached out his hand to the three of them and said, "Can you help me count if it's twenty or not?"

Yan Li and Jiang Siyue were both dumbstruck and immediately stretched their heads over to count.

It wasn't that Chu Yi Chen wasn't shocked, but it was a good thing that he had a mask on. Otherwise, his face might not have looked good.

The twenty guards standing there were even more confused. After looking for the feathers on their bodies, their eyes were filled with despair.

He wanted to believe it or not, but the truth was right in front of him. He wanted to believe it, but it was too difficult.

When Yan Li and Jiang Siyue raised their heads, they saw Zhuo Qingyan drinking some milk and staring at Chu Yi.

"Twenty, not a single one is missing …" Yan Li said.

Zhuo Qingyan raised an eyebrow at Chu Yi Chen, and after drinking all of the warm milk in one gulp, she put down her cup.

"Your strengths are all right here. You twenty are people that the prince picked for me. In half a month, I want you all to change your appearances and become better and worse. It all depends on your hard work." Zhuo Qingyan's voice was crisp and clear, but it was unquestionable.

"Do you see the facilities behind you? Maybe some of you have helped us before, but this is the base for our special training. Of course, it's not just these, there are twenty people here who can teach me well.