Demonstration capability(2)

Chapter 29 - Demonstration of Competence (II)

When they finished talking, the twenty people looked at each other again. Everyone felt that this Little Princess's tone was too big.

Seeing them act this way, Zhuo Qingyan smiled in understanding. "What if I didn't take your feathers with my hands just now, but a blade instead?"

Everyone was stunned. If they still had some lingering fear, how could they still live?

The corner of Chu Yi Chen's mouth slightly raised. He liked this little girl's aura, and her words made him feel very comfortable.

Yan Li and Jiang Siyue also nodded their heads, agreeing with her words.

"From today onwards, half a month will be the limit. In just fifteen short days, if there is anyone who cannot keep up with the journey for half the time, then it is fine, but before we pass through Ye Jingxuan, the Godly Doctor Ye's trial, I remember that he has a medicine that can make people forget everything, a medicine that can make people turn into fools. Everything here, I cannot reveal, or else, there is another method. Zhuo Qingyan looked at them indifferently.

However, these people's hearts were filled with shock as their eyes flickered.

"Sure!" Chu Yi Chen answered first.

Zhuo Qingyan ignored him: "Here, I am the captain, everything must be listened to me, and now you are my soldiers, so all the training methods and content must be kept a secret. If anyone divulges it to the prince, there is only one way, and that is death!"

Everyone was stunned again, including Chu Yichen. He stared at Zhuo Qingyan. What did this girl mean?

She continued, "If you can't even do this, then there's no need to train here. Success will also be a waste and will no doubt only increase our strength by one more traitorous expert. We don't need that."

Only then did Chu Yi Chen feel slightly better. Thinking about it, he felt that it was also right to not have any loyal subordinates.

Yan Li and Jiang Siyue were both smiling.

"This subordinate understands!" The twenty of them also understood, and replied loudly.

Zhuo Qingyan pointed at the facilities behind them, "Move from right to left, all of them. Those that fall, move from head to toe, all of them, turn around!"

The twenty of them moved in unison, but in exchange for her contemptuous smile, it seemed as though they were completely dissatisfied.

"Take off your weapons and put them on the ground. Don't hurt yourself again." Zhuo Qingyan said again.

Everyone immediately took action. They scattered and put down their weapons before standing still.

"Five is a interval, right hand is the first, get ready, let's go!" Zhuo Qingyan shouted.

The man ran out.

Then, she shook her head, turned around, and walked in front of Chu Yi Chen. "What do you think, Prince?"

"It's not bad!" He said indifferently.

"It shouldn't be okay, it's just so-so." Zhuo Qingyan poured herself a glass of milk as she spoke.

"Hmm?" Chu Yi Chen looked at her.

"These people won't be able to pass through these equipment in less than an hour. At the fastest, it'll take at least an hour." Zhuo Qingyan blew on the cup as she said indifferently.

"It can't be, Little Princess, these people are all …" Yan Li did not believe it.

"A master, but no matter how high his hand is, it's still impossible without skill. Why are the quincuncial piles so smooth, it's because they've practiced frequently. And that rope net, from bottom to top, over from top to bottom, and then down again, if it doesn't fall down five times, it can still be counted as a capable person." Zhuo Qingyan looked at him with disdain.

"Can't be?" Jiang Siyue did not believe it either.

"This King's people are that terrible?" Chu Yi Chen was truly afraid that it was true. That would be a disgrace.

Zhuo Qingyan turned around and sat in the chair beside him: "It's actually nothing. If it's just a matter of personal ability, then these people are all experts with unique kung fu skills. But if they are exposed to new things, then there will definitely be a difference."

"Hmm? "What do you mean?" Yan Li asked.

"It's simple, that's all. If people who have never come in contact with it come in and fail. Even if you go over there, you don't have to rely on your own strength, but your own inner strength, movement technique, and footwork. However, in a team battle, these are taboo." Zhuo Qingyan raised her eyebrows.

"And if you did, when would you use it?" Chu Yi Chen asked.

Zhuo Qingyan raised her eyebrows, "Thirty."

"No, Little Princess. You don't even need half an incense stick?" Jiang Siyue opened her eyes wide.

"No need …" "Alright!" Zhuo Qingyan knew that if she was too sure, these people would not believe her.

At this moment, the twenty people on the other side had already reached the rope net. Just as she had said, people began climbing up the rope and then falling down. Shouts and exclamations could be heard from the crowd.

Chu Yi Chen was able to persevere at first, but later on, he stopped looking at it.

Yan Li and Jiang Siyue became even more anxious. One of them fell and followed suit.

After eating a piece of cake, Zhuo Qingyan leaned back in her chair, her legs swaying as if she was watching a show.

She only raised her eyebrows when the first Night Wind, who had run over, was standing there.

However, Ye Feng was currently not good-looking. His entire body was covered in dust, and his hair was a mess. There were also places where the skin on his hands was broken.

Zhuo Qingyan walked around him with her hands behind her back. At this moment, she finally knew why the Demon Company Commander had mocked them team members in her previous life. It was really funny, wasn't it?

Raising his head at him, he said, "Tell me about your thoughts. Is it that hard? "

The night wind stood with its chest up and its head up, but its eyes followed her.

"I'm asking you to speak, what are you looking at me for? You think I can get there just by looking at me? " Zhuo Qingyan stared back at him coldly.

"Yes, the ones in front are pretty good, but the rope net is no longer working. It feels soft when I step on it, and once I get on it, the rope is shaking. The more I panic, the more I don't dare to move …" The wind shouted.

"Mm …" "Well done, how did you do it?" Zhuo Qingyan asked again.

"Subordinate, this subordinate has used some Qing Gong …" The wind swallowed, feeling somewhat embarrassed.

Zhuo Qingyan nodded her head, "I'll count it as you being honest. Look back and see how they came. Remember your sorry appearances, but I promise that in half a month, you will be ashamed and ashamed."

Ye Feng didn't dare to retort and immediately turned around to look at his miserable teammates.

After an hour, all twenty of them returned, covered in dust and grime. They no longer looked like they did when they first arrived.

"You're not convinced? You think the person who designed this is a freak? No one can rely on inner strength and lightness skills to complete it, right?" Zhuo Qingyan stood in front of them, walking from the head of the team to the back of the team, then back again, a mocking smile on her face.

Although no one said anything, their expressions explained everything.

Zhuo Qingyan raised an eyebrow: "If I can do it, from today onwards, you will follow my orders and not violate even a single order!"

Seeing them nod, Zhuo Qingyan shook her head before rushing towards the first stage. At the same time, she shouted: "Check!"