Wholeheartedly admitting

Chapter 30 - Acceptance

Under the dumbstruck gazes of these people, she was dressed in green and white, shuttling back and forth in the facilities that had embarrassed these twenty men. She was as easy as swimming fish.

When she climbed over the rope net, only then did these people realize that they were all in the same position, and when they were on a flat surface, they were all on their four limbs like monkeys. When they came down again, they didn't step on it step by step, but rolled down.

When she came back, blushing slightly, and stood in front of Chu Yi Chen, he just happened to count to thirty.

Yan Li was the first to clap his hands in applause, followed by the rest of the people. The clapping sound was too loud, and it was only then that Yan Li realised that the outside of the cubicle was already filled with people.

Zhuo Qingyan blinked a few times, and asked Chu Yichen: "How many people are in your family's hidden guards?"

"One hundred and sixty-eight." Chu Yi Chen couldn't help but admire this girl's ability.

"There are really quite a few. I can even finish a few episodes, hehe …" Zhuo Qingyan suddenly felt like she had a job to do, a very fulfilling feeling.

Chu Yi Chen was startled by her words, but when he thought back, what she said was reasonable. If each and every one of them could be cultivated to her current state, then it would be pretty good.

Zhuo Qingyan turned around and looked at the twenty men. "What about this time?"

The twenty men immediately stood at attention, bowing in unison. "We are at your command, royal consort!"

"I'll go …" Zhuo Qingyan turned around with a helpless look on her face.

"Don't call me that again in the future. During training, I am just your captain and you are all members. In the future, you all have to call me 'captain' or 'princess' or 'princess' or 'princess' or whatever. Don't bow in the future. "Salute!" Zhuo Qingyan's face was solemn.

Everyone looked at each other, not understanding.

"Look at me!" Zhuo Qingyan stood at attention, puffing out her chest and facing the front as she performed a military salute.

This wasn't the same type of action as before, but when these twenty people did it together, it was a different type of action altogether. The effect couldn't be seen when someone did it all by themselves, but when they did it all at the same time, it was completely different.

After Zhuo Qingyan corrected them one by one, they looked even more decent.

"We'll gather in the backyard at the beginning of tomorrow morning and punish one person with one kilometer of delay. Understood?"

"Yes sir!" If twenty young men saluted at the same time, the power would be shocking.

"Dismissed!" Zhuo Qingyan waved her hand.

He turned around, picked up his coat and put it on, then looked at Chu Yi, "I want to borrow your study room, okay?"

"Let's go." Chu Yi Chen also stood up and walked out.

Yan Li and Jiang Siyue followed along.

But those twenty people did not leave. They turned around to look at the facilities, thinking back to how Little Princess looked when she passed through those obstacles. The few of them looked at each other, then rushed over again.

After returning to the study room, Zhuo Qingyan ignored them and took off her shoes. She took a piece of paper and a pen from his desk and ran to a small wooden table in front of a bookshelf.

The three of them looked at each other and did not disturb her. However, they all had their own questions.

"If I say that she didn't know this before, I won't believe it …" Jiang Siyue said softly.

Yan Li also nodded, "Who exactly is she?"

However, Chu Yi Chen said, "Who is it that isn't important? As long as it's beneficial to me and isn't here to harm me, what harm is there in it?"

"That's true, but …" Jiang Siyue was still worried.

Chu Yi Chen turned her head to look at Zhuo Qing Yan, who was drawing earnestly: "She said before that she was a ghost, because she couldn't explain it herself. She doesn't remember, and she knows what she shouldn't know …"

Yan Li immediately stretched his head over: "Is it possible, have you ever heard of borrowing a corpse to repay a soul?"

"Forget it. Even if it is, we can't be so careless. Did we make it in time?" However, the things that our Little Princess knows are not insignificant. Just today's display alone clearly showed that she did not use any inner force at all, and was extraordinary. " Jiang Siyue sighed and shook her head.

"I also hope that she isn't Sister Qi's daughter, and that her identity is a mystery. If she were to inherit it, she would be too tired …" Chu Yi Chen sighed.

"Yue Chen, are you feeling sorry for her?" Yan Li looked at him shamelessly.

Chu Yi Chen looked at him, "No?"

"Of course, she's your wangfei now. She's your wangfei." Of course, she's your wangfei now. Yan Li raised his eyebrows at him.

Chu Yi Chen nodded her head and smiled, "But she doesn't seem to think that this is her refuge. Her mind is thinking of leaving at any time."

"It can't be? "Why?" Jiang Siyue asked.

"Zhuo Qingfan is going to the Guanling Army, her reliance on this Second Young Master Zhuo is greater than we thought, and their relationship is not just average …" Chu Yi Chen's tone was sour.

"To be able to think of something like this, in the Zhuo Mansion, it is very easy for two people to become dependent on each other. Besides, Zhuo Qingfan's teacher has already said it all, and it was also Sister Sui who personally taught them. These two people are siblings, so how can it not be good?" Jiang Siyue helped to explain.

"It's possible …" Chu Yi Chen opened his palm again, revealing a handful of red feathers.

The three of them frowned at the same time, and Yan Li shook his head: "If it was me, facing twenty guards, and without getting any damage, it wouldn't be easy for me to obtain these twenty feathers …"

"Moreover, her movement technique has no rules at all. Her footwork is also very simple. How did she do it?" Jiang Siyue said.

"It's not difficult!" Zhuo Qingyan's voice sounded as she walked over.

"Ask the wangfei!" Jiang Siyue immediately bowed.

"Close combat!" Zhuo Qingyan smiled at them with two pieces of paper in her hand.

"Hmm?" The three of them questioned at the same time.

As you can see, they all have long blades in their hands, and you all do not need to say anything about the power of the blades, you all know that. However, there is one thing, you all have to remember the distance, and I am closing in their distance, preventing them from unleashing the power of the long blades. Zhuo Qingyan smiled again, and raised the map in her hand in front of Chu Yi Chen.

He took it and looked at it, and could not help but frown, "What is this? A cloth bag? "

"Yes, it's a kind of cloth bag on the back of the shoulders. It doesn't need to be gorgeous, but it has to be durable and sturdy." Yes, it's a type of cloth bag on the back of the shoulder. Zhuo Qingyan raised an eyebrow at him.

"These are not difficult. When do you want them?" Chu Yi Chen asked.

"I have to take them up the mountain in five days." Zhuo Qingyan smiled.

"Mountain?" Chu Yi Chen was a bit worried.

"Right, I saw that there's a mountain a kilometer away from the backyard of the mansion, isn't it?" Zhuo Qingyan said.

"Yes, Full Moon Mountain!" Chu Yi Chen nodded.

"That's where the load is tomorrow morning." Zhuo Qingyan nodded proudly.

The three of them glanced at one another, unable to comprehend the meaning behind those words.