Tired dog

Chapter 31 - Tired Dog

By the time the 20 members arrived at the designated location, Zhuo Qingyan was already standing with her hands behind her back, dressed in black.

Today, she was different from yesterday. Her hair was tied up high above her head with a ponytail hanging down. She was dressed in night clothes. It was obvious that she was very capable. Furthermore, she had some equipment on her body.

Although they were all standing at the right spot, they could still feel the aura and deterrence emitted from her body.

Zhuo Qingyan did not say much. She pointed at the net on the ground, which was tied up with a string. Inside each of them was a small sack. "Back!"

They didn't understand, but they quickly picked it up. After studying it for a long time, they finally put it on their back.

Only after she was done did she realize that there was another one on her back.

You are carrying ten kilograms of sandbags on your back. Now, we are going to carry out physical training from here to the Full moon mountain one kilometer away, climb to the peak, and then return here. On the way, you must pay attention to the sand in your backpack. Zhuo Qingyan said in a clear voice.

"Understood …" Twenty people answered.

"What is it? The voices of twenty men are not even as loud as the voices of a woman like me. Zhuo Qingyan mocked.

The twenty men looked at each other in annoyance, then stood at attention with their chests puffed up as they shouted, "Understood!"

I hope that when you come back, you can also stand here and talk to me like this. That's right, the circle I'm talking about is the circle around the walls of the mansion, and it's still carrying a sack. I don't want the people to think of me as a fool or a lunatic. Zhuo Qingyan snorted in disdain.

Everyone looked at each other. This was a bit too cruel and embarrassing, but to be looked down upon by a little girl like that made them even more unable to endure in their hearts.

Zhuo Qingyan did not give them much time to think. With a single command, she brought them to the backyard.

There was no back door here, only the back wall. When she nimbly climbed over the wall, those familiar yet standard movements made them dumbfounded. Naturally, everyone followed her out of the wall one by one.

Standing on the rock garden in the backyard, Chu Yi Chen couldn't help but sigh.

If he did not doubt that it was impossible, he had suddenly been relieved when he had seen her through those obstacles yesterday, and he would take her for a ghost, if only she was not the one who had come to ruin his plans.

Even if they were friends, it was the same. Back then, when he met Ye Jingxuan, it was also because he suspected that Ye Jingxuan had unique medical skills. In the end, they became sworn friends.

Perhaps, Zhuo Qingyan was the same, but he had made his own assumptions first. He was the son of an old friend, a fool, he shouldn't have known this. When she showed it, besides being surprised, suspicion and suspicion filled up the majority of her mind, so he couldn't accurately assess her abilities.

There was also another possibility. It was that Zi Zhiqing really taught her something while she was still alive, and then when she used the medicine, he made her forget to use this to protect her.

was originally a person who was obsessed with things, so the bewilderment on her body was something that no one had ever been able to undo.

Her drawing skills were outstanding, and no one was able to see through her concealed profound strength. Her medical skills were so high that even Ye Jingxuan, who they had recognized as a genius doctor, had said that it was not even half as good as this senior sister's; her martial arts were so high that they could be seen from Zhuo Qingfan's sword art.

Then what else could she know? She could also know the art of war; she could also modify weapons; she could also learn how to make weapons; she could also train her troops …

As for these, she passed them on to Zhuo Qingyan and then used medicine to erase her memories, leaving them in the depths of her memories. As long as she saw them, they would spring out like ghosts.

However, had she ever thought that her daughter would be suspected and guessed at by others because of this? Had her pain ever occurred to her as a mother?

Thinking up to here, Chu Yi Chen's heart ached. She stared at the empty back wall of the courtyard and sighed again. This girl had been through a lot.

Thinking back to what she had said that day, her heart ached even more. What kind of feeling was that when a person described himself as a ghost?

It was impossible to say that he was not cold on a cold winter's morning, but he was still standing there. He stood there for a full two hours, and when he saw a black-clothed man quickly jump over the wall and enter the courtyard, gasping for breath, the corners of his mouth lifted up once again.

"It's really very strong …"

Zhuo Qingyan stood there with a serious look on her face as she stared at the wall. When she had recovered, the first member had already jumped into the wall, and the night wind had already lost its balance, barely able to reach her, leaving her gasping for breath.

At this time, Yan Li and Jiang Siyue had also arrived at the fake mountain. They hadn't left last night because they wanted to see the first time they had run while carrying a weight on their backs, but they didn't. The moment they got up, they saw two completely different people standing there.

"What's going on?" Yan Li asked.

"The first one to come back, before the time it takes for half an incense stick to burn, Ye Feng was the second one. He just arrived." Chu Yi Chen said indifferently.

"This girl is amazing …" Jiang Siyue laughed.

"Yes, it's powerful. He's even carrying a 20 Jin sandbag on his back!" Chu Yi Chen raised his head towards that direction.

"Huh?" The two of them were truly shocked this time.

Stretching her neck to take a closer look, she actually saw a big bag in the net on her back.

At this time, another team member came back. Each of them was similar to the night wind, and there were even two team members who came back with net bags in their arms. Sand was flowing down along the gaps between their hands.

It was already an hour and a half before the twenty players returned.

Zhuo Qingyan pointed at the sandbag that had been prepared long ago and said: "Put the sandbag on, you call it your own. If it's any less, you'll be punished. I don't need to say anything more, do I?"

Seeing her so serious, no one had anything else to say. They went over one by one to weigh them. Other than the night wind, night painting, and night scenery, everyone else was missing sandbags. The least was one catty and the most was five catties.

Make up your own sandbags and stop running during the day. Don't let others take you for a fool; it's not good. Run at night and go back and wash up. Zhuo Qingyan turned around and walked back.

When everyone heard this, they felt like they were going to be disbanded. All of their legs gave way and they collapsed onto the ground. Some of them were even lying on the ground, gasping for breath. They were all tired out like dogs.

Chu Yi Chen could not help but shake his head, then turned around and walked down the fake mountain while sighing. Yan Li and Jiang Siyue followed behind him.

"Isn't that too weak?" After Yan Li came down, he pointed in the direction of the backyard.

"It can only be said that she is too strong. However, from the looks of it, it seems that she is not bad." The corner of Chu Yi Chen's mouth rose.

Jiang Siyue also nodded, "They will get Elite Armaments!"