Hands-on teaching(1)

Chapter 32 - Personal Teaching (I)

When the two of them followed Chu Yichen back to the bedchamber, Zhuo Qingyan had already finished washing her face and came out. She was still wearing her black night clothes, but as she sat there, she seemed to be saying something to Mo Yu.

Ruo Xue and the others had already set up their breakfast and were waiting at the side.

"Then that's settled. You can go and buy some wire today. If possible, give me a finished product tomorrow morning." Zhuo Qingyan smiled at her.

"Alright, then I'll go now …" Mo Yu said as he prepared to run out.

She pulled him back, "Why aren't you looking around? What time is it outside? Is there a shop opening at this hour? You just stand there and wait.

"Right …" Hearing this, Mo Yu laughed along.

Qiu mama came over and patted her. "You, quickly help little … "Princess, please comb your hair. Your Highness, Young Master Yan and Young Master Jiang are already waiting for you."

"Alright!" Mo Yu immediately helped her comb her ponytail again.

Zhuo Qingyan immediately went over and blessed the three of them. "I've made everyone wait a long time, hurry up and eat."

"What other tricks do you have up your sleeve today?" Chu Yi Chen personally picked up a candy bar and placed it on her plate.

Zhuo Qingyan did not think much of it and naturally picked it up. She took a small bite, "Today … This group of kids have probably lost a lot of their confidence after being tossed around this morning. Therefore, today is just their foundation. At the very least, they should be able to master the methods to break those facilities. "

"Oh? How can I break it? " Yan Li was immediately interested.

"Young Master Yan, are you very free? Why was he always loitering in the Prince's Mansion? Don't you have to look at your money bag? " Zhuo Qingyan looked at him.

"Are you looking down on me? But honestly speaking, even if you chase me away today, I won't leave. I also want to know how you will break that rope net of yours. " Yan Li shook his neck.

"Done!" "While you can see, you cannot point fingers and tell people what to do. Can you quietly be the beautiful man that you want to be?" Zhuo Qingyan was warning him.

Yan Li blinked his eyes, then nodded his head.

Jiang Siyue also laughed: "Little Princess, I can also quietly be a beautiful man."

"Your Royal Highness, do you not care about proper business?" Zhuo Qingyan pouted.

Chu Yi Chen couldn't help but laugh. "Actually, this duke thinks the same. It's not bad to be a quiet handsome man."

Zhuo Qingyan couldn't help but exhale: "But you guys are over there. These kids will definitely be distracted. Whatever they do, they will glance at you. Am I training, or are you training?"

"You! It's definitely you. This King definitely won't say a single word, okay? " Chu Yi Chen looked at her.

Zhuo Qingyan bit her lower lip for a while before nodding her head, "Fine, but we agreed that if the results are not good today, you will run away immediately. Don't tell me that half a month later, you will be handed over, and then don't blame me for hating you. Don't leave a single one alive, just kill them all."

The three of them were stunned, but Chu Yi Chen immediately smiled, "Alright, I agree!"

Zhuo Qingyan glared at him once more, then she picked up the sugar bun and took a bite, causing the sugar to flow out.

When he returned to the training grounds, the twenty players had already arrived.

Zhuo Qingyan circled around them and swept her eyes across everyone's face.

These people were a little nervous.

"Are you satisfied with your performance this morning?" Zhuo Qingyan asked with her hands behind her back.

"Not satisfied …" Everyone said in a ragged voice.

"You're not even as good as a bitch, and you're not even as loud as a fart, and you call yourselves the elites of the Ling Mansion's secret guards? "Alright, let's go. I'll choose another batch." Zhuo Qingyan waved at them impatiently.

"Captain, what you said is not right. Why can't we be compared to a woman!" Ye Yu asked loudly.

"Mm …" You want to know? " Zhuo Qingyan tilted her head and looked at him.

"Yes!" He said loudly.

"You guys are worse off than me. I'm a woman, aren't I?" Zhuo Qingyan pointed at herself.

These people looked at each other and didn't say anything else. Indeed, they admitted that they were inferior to her.

"A group of men can tire themselves to that extent just by running around a mountain? Aren't you ashamed? " Zhuo Qingyan's gaze swept across their faces once more.

Everyone could not help but lower their heads.

"A 10 kilogram sandbag is only 20 kilograms. If you sprinkle half of it, why would you carry it back? What do you want me to say? Glory! " Zhuo Qingyan's voice was a little louder, and her tone also became a lot sharper.

The bodies of these people trembled, and their faces darkened.

"The one behind me, who is faster than me? "You think you're smart and yet you want to play with me. You guys are too inexperienced, don't look at how I've been silly for 16 years. That means that your eyes are still there!" Zhuo Qingyan glared at them.

The three people who were sitting at the back pursed their lips. Yan Li stuck his head out and whispered into Chu Yi's ears, "Little Princess's words are a little too harsh, right?"

Chu Yi Chen shook his head, but didn't say anything.

"Wipe your eyes bright. Let me demonstrate it one more time. What kind of movement technique, inner strength, footwork do you guys want to use?" You can do it? "What are you showing off for? You don't even need to use these things. Sometimes, primitive techniques are more effective than those profound kung fu skills." Zhuo Qingyan gave them another look before walking away.

When she reached the first barrier, she looked back and saw that the rest of them were still standing there. Her beautiful eyes glared as she asked, "Are you looking at the scenery from where you are standing? Are you all clairvoyant? Don't you have to come over? "

When everyone heard this, they immediately ran over. At the same time, they swallowed their saliva.

With a run, Zhuo Qingyan rushed over and stepped on the wooden board. She propped her hands on top of the board and hung her feet on top of it. Then, she stood on the narrow surface of the board.

Pointing at the wooden board, he asked, "Do you see the movements clearly?"

Everyone was dumbfounded. Some nodded, while others shook their heads.

The three people at the back all facepalmed at the same time. This group of hidden guards were too embarrassing.

Zhuo Qingyan jumped down and walked in front of them, "Forget about your martial arts and movement techniques, just treat it as someone who doesn't know any martial arts. It's not hard to learn just looking at my movements."

Everyone nodded as they stared at her with widened eyes.

She went back there and rushed out again, and when she stood on the plank again, she asked them, "See?"

Everyone nodded in agreement.

She jumped down, "Come one at a time. Don't be afraid, I'll guide you."

Sure enough, this time, they were able to understand it all. After this round, all of them had passed.

After reaching the quincuncial piles at the next stage, Zhuo Qingyan shrugged: "You don't need me to teach you this right? I saw you guys pass by here yesterday and it was the easiest. "

Everyone nodded, but she continued to lead them down with the corner of her mouth raised. When they were climbing the ropes, another problem appeared.

The location, length, and thickness of the ropes varied, and the requirement was that they all passed through the eight ropes. However, someone was quite impatient, and in less than five strands, they had already jumped to the other side.